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As the months continue to roll on, we look back on what has been a much calmer month at the Menace headquarters. We have completed a whole heap of shoots for clients over the past few months, so we spent a portion of time editing and quality checking a bunch of client projects, priming them for release.

That being said, no day is ever a dull day, and we still managed to complete multiple shoots for clients this month. As always, we’re still travelling around the country, keeping our clients chipper, and capturing some interesting things. We’ll break it down for you now.

Making a mannequin

This month we drove down to East London to film a production factory for our friends at SDI. You may recall we traveled to the LG headquarters last month to take pictures of the install they completed. This time we visited a mannequin factory. We had never filmed a mannequin factory before so we really didn’t know what to expect.

The staff were so lovely! They are a really kind group of people, each a master of their trade. You can really tell they’ve been doing it for years, and care goes into every mannequin they make. We got to film them hard at work for a promotional video of the warehouse, showing start to finish, the process in mannequin making. The video turned out nice, and also educational, as it shows each step in clear detail.

It was very interesting shooting these guys, as we had no clue what went into making mannequins. They say everyday is a school day, and that certainly was. From the sculpting, to the sanding, to spray painting and then make up, the whole process is very long and precise. A very cool shoot all in all!

Turn it up 

We also got the chance to get our groove on in August. We travelled to London for an overnight rave called DnB All stars. The show was electric, full of ravers excited for the madness. There were two stages, one was the laser stage, covered in bright lights to give the traditional drum and bass rave feel. The other had a whole wall full of subwoofers, and nearly blew Dennis away. A late night full of hard work, but overall the shoot was great.=

Another shoot we got to do was a beach festival for NZO Vape. They sponsored and hosted Beach Jam, we were filming on behalf of our friends at SA Drones. The stage was lively and the people were having a great time. The weather may not have been the best, but us British are used to making the best of grey skies. We got some drone shots and close ups of the crowd, and all told, the video turned out well.

Finally, we met up with our good friends at RaceHorse Lotto to film an event they had one of their riders and horses competing in. The Racing League took place at Lingfield Park, and saw thousands of horse fans arrive to see some highly anticipated races. We got to watch the races, while recording more promotion for the RaceHorse Lotto Racing League Raffle.

So that will do for August! Hope you enjoyed catching up with us on what we got up to last month, stay tuned for the next instalment of Menace Monthly, and have a nice day!


Author menacemediauk

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